
Rediscovering health in a almost-veggie lifestyle, a little about my journey so far...

Yup, I did the college, eco-girl thing...I went vegetarian. And it stuck. For about 4 years. And I was in the BEST SHAPE/HEALTH OF MY LIFE! 150 lb., toned and limber. So why did I stop? What was the change? Honestly, I'm not quite sure. But reflecting back I think it could have been two things: moving to a new place and discovering humane meats. Yup, that's right, my beloved South Carolina. Until you can reflect back it's really hard to see but I now realize how much comfort I found in food...and fat. Which is a slippery slope (for me at least).

I don't recall any "homesick" feelings when we moved from NC to SC. But I guess food must have taken that place for me. Just a little at a time. Okay, I eat fish/seafood. Okay, a little chicken...but only hormone/antibiotic free. Well, that BBQ pork DOES smell divine. . . And so it goes.

Fast forward 5 years...moving to IL I was homesick for SC. For my friends. But with a healthy lifestyle so much easier here (walking everywhere...it's awesome!) my meat choices again became stricter. Local, Organic, Pasture raised, etc. But after two children and 5 years of veggie backsliding I was still 80 lbs. heavier than I should be.

Now? I may be friend-sick for folks but not homesick, I'm loving where we are! I love that my tree hugging nature is "normal" here. The things I miss other than people? Strawberry season starts earlier, lighting bugs are already out and about there, and the beach...the REAL beach, is just hours away.

Like I said, I walk to work. We live on the third floor of a no-elevator building. Talk about instant health boosters! Not to mention an AMAZING farmers market just blocks from our door. But this week I made a conscious switch. To eat almost all vegetarian. And my body is rejoicing! I have so much more energy...I just FEEL GOOD. Now I still think that a little meat is okay, as in maybe twice a week. But not as the focus of my meal. It seems I have discovered what my body showed me so long ago. It's just healthier and happier on a whole foods, plant based diet. None of that over processed "fake meat" either. But that's a post for another time...

As a family we have always chosen organic and tried to make the healthiest choices. Does that mean my children never have sugar or pizza? No. But we do try to teach them the healthier habits. And the best teachers are the actions we take, not the words we speak.

Recently my oldest sprout and I started talking about meat. She didn't realize how we got it. I didn't want to freak or gross her out. She has to make her own choices. However, I think I may have another future veggie on my hands...

I hope that everyone will continue to follow our family on our green living/eating journey. I'll be here, sharing!

Please share your successes, favorite veggie recipes, etc.

And remember to eco-live and laugh!


A wonderful day of play, discovery and frittata!

A clean and comfortable 67 today...yup, that's right on June 4th it's in the 60's....and we are loving every minute of it!
Since I had the day off today and the sprouts don't start summer camp until Monday it was wonderful to enjoy a family day in the middle of the week. And it wouldn't be an eco-family day without the great outdoors!
After a granola breakfast we headed out toward the lighthouse lakefront park; it's not the quick, easy park next door but for a good 15-20 minute walk its so worth it! And there was no need to rush...we stopped to smell flowers, pick dandelions, tossed up "helicopters" (maple seed pods), and pretended we could fly! Once at the park, imagination was the name of the game! Pirates was the favorite, complete with walking the plank. Then, slides, swings and wishing to go out on the beach...gotta get those tokens! My oldest sprout is loving spotting birds right know so she announced cardinals and robins left and right.
After about 1 1/2 hours we ventured home...not taking the same path we ventured right across a field full of clover flowers that smelled wonderful! The kids proceeded to make bouquets of dandelions, clover and grasses along the way...even giving me a flower or two for my hair. Isn't it wonderful how kids don't see weeds but rather a plethora of beauty?!
After a little rest we got out two mini schnauzers and went to the park by our home because the sprouts never tire of outside time. I love that they go straight to imagining with sticks and running around. In fact, it would be amazing to see a natural playground appear here!  The best was hearing them "hiking" with walking sticks looking for monkeys in the "jungle" (our park is plant/tree/bush lined so its perfect!)
For dinner I played off of a great recipe I found on Pinterest and made a frittata. Here's the ingredients I used but all the cooking times were the same:
- Lake Breeze Organics eggs (I just love seeing all the shell colors when I open the carton!)
- Lake Breeze Organics kale & asparagus
- Henry's Organic Farm spinach & green garlic
- River Valley Kitchen baby portobello mushrooms
- 365 organic shredded fiesta cheese
- fresh ground black pepper and Himalayan salt
- olive oil

Here's a picture (though its an iPad pic so quality is lacking...) share your day and dinner with me, how did you green up your day?